Monday, January 8, 2007

It is the nicest day you've ever experienced...again

No time to post because I've got to get back to work.


Yeah. That's work, though I'm under a huge deadline because I'm leaving for Chicago. I should have two more weeks to get these five episodes of GGW done, instead I have two days. So it is work, but every once in a while you take a step back and realize that work is boobs.

I don't want to be that dick, but holy shit is it the nicest day ever...again. One of those days you'd seriously love to ditch out on work, if it weren't going to be like this tomorrow. It's like they voted on the weather.

Had a great week. I unfortunately had to quit my logging job on Paradise City to finish editing this.


Here's Mike and Tiffany logging the billionth hour of Jenner and Jack's boring-ass date. I can't wait to see this show on, I love it, I loved the job, best job I've ever had and I hope it gets picked up so I can sit down again with the PC crew and jump back in.

Instead my view has changed from that, to this.


My pals who live on the premises of the edit cave.


The last couple days were awesome, got up Saturday and had breakfast at the 101 with my new roommate, Ryan.


Ryan and I are having a great time hanging out. I miss everyone in Chicago, but I missed my friends here for longer, and just feel incredibly lucky to hang out with them, it makes me appreciate them better.

Later that night after a marathon editing session, Ryan and I got blazingly drunk at Birds in Los Feliz, where every surface gets danced on at some point. Birds is a really really fun place.


Then Lenny picked me up and we went out and met Jonathan Buchanan, ex-Chicagoan (everyone is here) and lontime friends of Chad Wilson and Ryan Taylor, he's straight out of their playbook. He directed this ridiculous video which Chad and Ryan showed me years ago.

We met at a hilariously lame club on Ventura in Studio City which consisted of twenty people sitting in booths and a freestle rapper rapping to a dancefloor consisting of some forty year old Bosnian dude dancing by himself, employing Riverdance moves wherever non-applicable.

The next day Lenny drove me up to the Hollywood hills to work on GGW, it was the nicest day you could possibly imagine, and we cruised with the top down in the Thunderchicken.


I got to the house early and got to sit on the cliff overlooking L.A. while waiting.


Damn, I'm having a good time. It's like vacation.


RummyNuts said...

You know Justin is right. LA sucks. "too much sky" and not enough crusty black sidewalk ice with cigarette butts...

Have fun in Chicago. sure hope you get that genuine "change of seasons" JK longs for!

Justin K. said...

Rummynuts? You are on the list. Hey, it's 50 here too! Well 20 today. No doubt about it, LA tops in weather.

Adam said...

Oh shit Rummynuts, you don't want to make it on the list along with the doorgirl from The Viper Room and everyone ever who didn't let Justin into a place for free, and the Seahawks.

What Chicago doesn't have in weather it more than makes up for it in attitude. Let's not forget, I'm from Ohio, no matter how much I love L.A., the midwest attitude rocks the hardest.