Thursday, January 4, 2007

My Thought For The Day

I'm sitting here editing footage of Girls Gone Wild and I'm trying to do some stuff I've never done before because this opening will be the standard opening for every episode of this bought in the UK on InDemand, so I'm keyframing and trying to slide all the videoboxes around in a clever way so that it all flows together and rocks to the beat. And it's hard. And there's a lot of thinking involved, what rates to move things at, when the one box intersects with the other, x axes, y axes, timing, etc. And in between all this difficult thought and my attempt to be all I can be I see Lou Ferrigno, founder of Girls Gone Wild. I know Lou Ferrigno didn't found GGW but I'm assuming the real guy googles his name. There's Lou, a man who owns 6 $20 million dollar homes and a traveling waitstaff of twenty, private jet, etc. And yet, not a deep man. Oh sure he had the idea for GGW, but overall not the deepest of thinkers. He's Todd Voorhies with a videocamera and a modicum of business acumen.

So here I am thinking my ass off to a make a couple sheckels because that's what most of us have to do, we have to be smart or we'll just get swept under the rug and never make it anywhere. But I really wish I could be dumb and make it. I would love to be able to be dumb and rich. Having to be smart is much work. You have to be smart to write, smart to produce, smart to edit. I'd just like to be dumb. Like a dumb actor, man can you be dumb and still be an actor...or a "personality", shit personalities like those bitches on The View, you don't even need to act, just "be." Paris Hilton, personality. And she doesn't even fucking have one. I'd like to be that. But instead, here I sit, needing to be smart at bargain basement prices.

My other thought for the day. Man do I love boobs, I think I'd forgotten just how much I love boobs, but that's all I see now, in slow-mo, fast-mo, regular-mo, over and over and over. I just really appreciate and love boobs of all sizes, consitencies and tendencies.

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