Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Nothing makes me happier than these two clips

Hey all, rumor has it the site goes dark at Midnight, but wait until you see the new one, it is fucking awesome. Dave Cenko, designer extraordinaire and Stephe have been working on the new site for months, the one you're looking at now they created by throwing darts at a list of HTML over an afternoon. Say goodbye to Otisburg, now you're going to have an incredible interface all housed on an interactive front page, so whenever anything on the site is update it will just appear there, it's so cool, I can't wait to start playing on it. So check back I believe next Wednesday. Until then I jet out of L.A. at 7am, destination, Chicago. I feel like quite the jetsetter as I was just on a plane a week ago.

Usually I try and do as close to a real-time post as possible.during the retreats as possible, what I will do instead is collect them in real-time throughout the retreat and post them one at a time as a Grand opening special on Schadenfreude.net 2.0. It's been a long time since this and this. Haha.

Until then I'll leave you with this. Some inspiration for you and me and Schadenfreude as we write an entire screenplay in a week and a half.

I have been an avid collector of pop songs from montages in 80's movies. "Playin' With The Boys" from Top Gun, "Win In The End" from Teen Wolf, "You're The Best Around" from Karate Kid, "Winner Takes It All" by Sammy Hagar from Over The Top, I have hundreds of these and we even based an entire radio episode on these songs episode 38

My two favorites are from Rocky IV, a movie I hadn't seen since it was in the theatres. So I've listened to these songs 100's of times since them, basically out of context. Then recently I rented Rocky I-IV (I'm not avoiding V, it just hasn't come yet) and realized that I'd never seen the first three Rocky's. They're great. I and II are amazing movies, just really really top notch, and III and IV are cartoons, and I love them all for being what they are.

When Rocky IV finally got to the two greatest moments I was just so happy. Watching these two montages makes me smile big as hell.

So here they are, and remember, YOU CAN DO IT, Rocky, Daniel-San, Teen Wolf, Up The Creek gang, Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines, Schadenfreude.

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