Sunday, September 4, 2005

Finger a Politician Monday

"This is not a time for finger-pointing or playing politics."
-Scott McClellan

Yeah, that's what I'd say too, I mean what else could you say when everyone notices the Emperor has no clothes all at once.

My dream press-conference:
McClellan: This is not a time for finger-pointing or playing politics.
Reporter: Why?
McClellan: Because it makes us look bad.

They weren't prepared to spin something this massive and this embarrassing, I wish them luck, all I know is when they do come up with their co-ordinated talking-points and release them we'll all know because all of our Republican friends will talk the same for one day, and probably be more verbal about it. Any day now...they'll all have a point to make and it will all be the same point.

Karl Rove > RNC > the press-release > conservative talk shows > fox news > america > the water cooler.

From Think Progress:

On this morning’s Meet the Press, Tim Russert asked Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff whether “heads will roll” after the bungled response to Katrina. Chertoff’s response:

The question I would put to people is what do you want to have us spend our time on now? Do we want to make sure we are feeding, sheltering, housing and educating those who are distressed, or do we want to begin the process of finger-pointing? I know that as far as I’m concerned I have got to be focused on, and everybody else in this government and the President has made this very clear, we have got to focus on moving forward to deal with some very real emergencies which are going to be happening in the next days and weeks.

In other words, attempts by Americans to hold their government officials accountable will somehow prevent us from “feeding, sheltering, housing and educating those who are distressed.”

You’re either with the administration or against the hurricane victims. Unreal.

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