Tuesday, September 6, 2005

If only they could be held accountable for lying

From Americablog

Jt Chiefs Chairman General Myers is a liar. Just said DOD didn't offer Katrina relief because the Tuesday papers said everything was okay!
by John in DC - 9/06/2005 03:33:00 PM

I kid you not.

Here's the outright lie our top military commander just told a press conference:
The headline, of course, in most of the papers on Tuesday — “New Orleans Dodged a Bullet,” or words to that effect. At that time, when those words were in our minds, we started working issues before we were asked, and on Tuesday, at the direction of the secretary and the deputy secretary, we went to each of the services. I called each of the chiefs of the services. One-by-one I called them and said, we don’t know what we will be asked for yet. The levees and the floodwalls had just broken and we know some of what will be asked because we had some requests for assistance already. There is probably going to be more.
Actually, General, the headlines were atrocious Tuesday morning. And the levee had not just broken, they'd broken 24 hours before, on Monday morning, you complete idiot. Not to mention, the head of the strongest military in the world gets his news from the morning papers? Putting aside the fact that important people get their news from the Internet, not the morning papers that are at least 12 hours old, you GET YOUR NEWS FROM THE MORNING PAPERS? Is that how you handled 9/11 general? Is it how you make decisions in Iraq - you pick up the Miami Herald and decide who to invade today? Fucking idiot.

When the head of our military is a blatant bald-faced liar, or worse a total idiot, where does that leave us?

Come on mainstream media, are you going to again settle for these guys outright LYING to you?

And just to show you how much of a liar General Myers is, check out the ACTUAL Tuesday headlines from the Newseum:

- Engulfed Coast
- Killer Katrina
- A Grievous Blow
- Katrina Chaos
- Deadly Impact
- Everything is Flooded
- Millions Stranded
- Katrina Ravages South
- Devastated
- Devastating Hit
- Devastation

General Myers is a liar. The un-American asshole ought to be fired immediately.

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