Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Got it!

I think this is it, you all can confirm or deny as you engage in conversations with Republicans in your places of work who love their government, right or wrong, and love their mothers, drunk or sober.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The House majority leader late Tuesday tried to deflect criticism of the federal response to Hurricane Katrina by saying "the emergency response system was set up to work from the bottom up," then announced a short time later that House hearings examining that response had been canceled.

Did you catch it? That's the new talking point: "the emergency response system was set up to work from the bottom up," Listen for it 100 times in your office today because they are mindless and they have no ideas of their own and they unquestioningly nod yes.

Remember that guys in college with no creativity, that sort-of personality-less blank space, who's greatest creative idea was drinking and who joined a fraternity so he could pay to have a group of friends. He's a Republican now, a vehement one, it gives him something to talk about, something to get mad about, something to be passionate about and, luckily, requires no inward questioning or thinking of any kind. For the first time in life, he has an opinion, and it feels good to him to have an opinion, sure someone had to give it to him, but he'll die before he'll let you take it away, because inherent in the opinion he's been given is the enemy, which he's vitally needed from his High School football team with their many opponents to college football with it's many opponents.

"the emergency response system was set up to work from the bottom up," - that's what he thinks, without all that bothersome, actual thinking.

I know, it's only one type of "Republican." I know, the relaxation of having an opinion and not actually needing to the think as well as the basic mammalian need for an enemy are universal across many demographics. They are all UnAmerican.


Justin K. said...


Doesn't that mean states are supposed to take care of their own situations and once they can't it is up to the national government to step in? That's the way the government is set up (by constitution) I'm not making excuses for the dude, but the response to 9/11 was the NYPD/FDNY at first, not the federal government. Guliani was a super mayor and got on top of it really, really quick. Bush dealt with the national security implications. New Orleans on the other hand is a corrupt city with a really crappy local government. It's easy to say that the Feds denied money to the Levee system, but how was it presented by the governor/congressman to the floor? Was it poorly conceived? Was it bloated to also pay for other shit? Say Casinos? tWas it no a priority in the proposal?

So I agree with all the political mumbo jumbo hot air right now, but I believe there is more than meets the eye?

Adam said...

Obviously many are at fault. But wasn't there a big federal response to the hurricanes last year in Jeb's Florida? Or was that local too? You can't deny that the roommate of Bush's campaign advisor probably didn't earn his way to the position of head of FEMA, he might have done more, I don't know what, I'm not the head of FEMA, all I know is that the bush buck has always stopped Waaaaaaaaay over there.

Justin K. said...

Well, Florida got a ton of money after the Hurricane, but it was Jeb Bush and the Florida government that did the immediate helping of Floridians. FEMA's job is to provide federal support to local governments. That usually means money for clean-up, manpower for rebuilding. Not for evacuating or rescuing? Did FEMA take too long? Yes, it's a beaurocracy. It's designed to. The Military makes decisions on a snap, not the government. And on the topic of why the FEMA guy is in charge (incompetent ass), well Bush won the election, FEMA is a government organization. One of the spoils of winning an election is putting your friends in high paying positions. Did Bill Daley really deserve to be Commerce secretary under Clinton? Or were they old buddies.