Monday, March 6, 2006

And the winner of U.S. Bank (Celebration of the Arts) at The KY Library and Museum is...

Fred Bowman, my Step-Father, or Dad v.2.0 as we say in the 21st Century. And you thought I got all this artsy stuff from my liberal education? No, no, it started long long before that.


Here he is with his most recent pencil drawing called "USED", this was actually a collaboration with my Mom who's got a pretty good eye for composition and used to be a painter herself.


She was throwing away a bunch of things in the bathroom one day and thought it had an interesting look to it. So she took a picture. No Fred usually draws nature and animals, and he is AMAZING at that (Fred, that's your cue to send me some .jpgs), mindboggling good at drawing nature scenes. This is the first non-nature drawing he's done in 20 years? And he brought all his amazing talents in getting the most one could possibly expect out of a colored pencil to play. Very nice. So proud.


And here he is receiving his award certificate and probably a coupon for a honey baked ham or something. Way to go Fred! I know, it's tough after a full day to head right into the art room and start drawing after drawing all day. It's hard to go hom and write a screenplay after working all day too. But we have to otherwise we'll just be working to make sure other people's dreams come true. And none of us was put on Earth for that.

KEEP IT UP! And make with your other drawings. And when can I get your 1979 Bat-Thing painting above my couch?


Fremodada said...

We need more cool as hell, non-pretentious artists like Fred. And the man likes his Natural Light. Cool.

Anonymous said...

No ham for a prize at all, just a W-9 form to apply for a cash prize. Thanks so much for all the praise, did
I pass the audition? Dad v. 2.0

Justin K. said...

Congrats Fred!

Craig Myers said...

I owe a lot to Fred, he was my 1st art director, he taught me a lot,
In the days long before the "instant artist, just add computer"
syndrome invaded the art world....Nuttin' but love for ya Fred
(By the way, is it still pretty?) Congrats, man you still ROCK!