Saturday, March 4, 2006

Anyone see SNL?

Wow. That was a really great show. They really slammed the door shut with the Natalie Portman rap. Just when she had been a good host she shuts the door sealing her as a great host. Some hosts are so fucking unaffective and just don't do anything, or worse, just play themselves over and over. She did so much stuff, and then when she did play herself it was that rap thing. Did she say "I want to fuck you too"?, an Easy-E quote from N.W.A.?

She sure doesn't do anything to kill that love we have of her does she? Doesn't she just get better every time you see her? Amazing. That's star power.

First thought. Jamba Juice. Anyone notice this? Two weeks ago there was a sketch set in a Target. How weird is it that the writers on Saturday Night Live have to write a sketch AROUND a product? And they can't make fun of the product, because then it wouldn't be a commercial, so ODDLY they list all the boosts by complete proper name. I've written a few sketches and the first exaggeration I would go for with the Jamba would be MAKING FUN of the boosts. Jesus Boost, Tetanus Boost, Anus Boost, Viagra Boost, Date Rape Boost, Diarrhea Boost, any writer could do that all day. But they mention every boost properly, so weird. So in these they inevitably have to play crazy characters. Seth was very funny in the sketch, even before he cracked up.

They had VERY few commercial breaks in the first 45, which was awesome, gave a great feel to the show. I wonder if the huge Jamba ad makes this possible? And what is the difference in the Jamba Juice comedy hour and the Colgate Comedy hour which sponsored Abbot and Costello?

I wonder how much it costs to put your ad in the first sketch of the night. I bet that's huge money. A 5 minute ad in the first 15 minutes of SNL, yowza. Superboal money I bet.

Token Power - incredible. Sucha great idea and then just when it had gone as far as it could go, the black Beetle Bailey character shows up. And just when they couldn't get funnier than that - Driving Miss Daisy the cartoon comlete with fucking song, ridiculous, brilliant. And just when they couldn't get funnier than that Oh my God, Ladysmith Black Mambazo in Outer Space!?!!? Finally the writing staff of SNL started smoking weed again.

Simple Premises - The Olympic judges for joke telling, simple juxtaposition sketch, but funny. They should simplify more on this show, because they're execution on simpler concepts, like the Needlers is fucking hilarious because it executes it's game amazingly well, but it's game is one of the oldest in comedy. But GREAT sketch.

SNL is weird again? Well that only took 30 years? What they hell's going on with this blowing ice cream into the mouth sketch? I enjoyed seeing SNL weird again so much. Conan is probably a good influence on this type of humor. And then in one of the weirder jokes later - the have a Conan imitator, which is "Conan" type weird.

How funny is Rachel Dratch as a little jewish boy?

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Funny, I thought of you when I was watching the "short haired chick." It really was a great show. The first time in a long time that I didn't turn it off or fall asleep from boredom!