Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Holy Shit I Met Dan Aykroyd Last Night!

So of course, now having blogged for one year everything passes through the blog screen first. I woke up late...is that bloggable? No. Okay, do I have enough time for breakfast? Is that bloggable? That topic sounds more Open Run than Otisburg...

But of course meeting Dan Aykroyd is bloggable. Okay, now what should I say? Of course how I ended up meeting him...what we said...oh, a title. I've got to have a clever title. "Dan Aykroyd Says Hi": Sort of a sequel to my last "meeting a famous guy" blog on David Cross, hmmm, maybe a line from our conversation, or maybe "You never know who you'll run into...": If I were Garrison Keillor and I met Dan Aykroyd I'd call it that.

So I sit down to tell you all of my evening and what subconsciously flowed from mind to page? What came of my mind and was typed before I even tried to remember my titles? Holy Shit I Met Dan Aykroyd Tonight! Well that about sums the experience up.

Dan Aykroyd's one of the reasons I'm even writing about leaving Second City, where I teach, to write on my blog on a website for the comedy group I created 8 years ago after a Second City class!!!!!!!!!! We all watched SNL, we all asked how did they get there, we all found out what they had in common and we all headed for Chicago. I've always marveled at Dan Aykroyd's characters, my flickr account is named Pinth Garnell after Leonard Pinth-Garnell of "Bad Ballet" and "Bad Conceptual Art." And every character I played when I did my first sketch shows in Chicago were largely based on E. Buzz Miller.

So I run into Sean Cusick who starts the rumor mill, "Aykroyd's doing the set." Even if it never turned out to be true, that's one thing I love about the comedy community in Chicago, little rumors like that. I was a full four miles away from Second City when Mel Gibson did the improv set in 1998, but I still found out moments later. Love that, there's nothing quite like the comedy community gossip chain.

Well I stop by the set after my class anyway, so no sweat off my back, and sure enough, there's Austin Milbarge himself. Wow. I can quote every line he speaks in Spies Like Us and Ghostbusters, I saw Dragnet 15 times, and even saw The Couch Trip in theatres. Wow. I guess I never realized by Dan Aykroyd was high on my celebrities to meet list. It's so weird, he's so real. That's really Dan Aykroyd. Ray Stantz. Very cool.

There's some kid named Belushi in touring company now. Interesting.

So the set ends and I book out, and who books out right behind me? Dr. Detroit. I immediatley turn to shake his hand, "Dan, pleasure to meet you." "What're you riding?" E. Buzz Miller replies mistaking the subway bag in my right hand for a motorcycle helmet. "Oh, sorry, thought you had a helmet." "So what brings you by?" I ask, kind of wanting to hug him. "I'm on my way to Nevada, I got my own Amtrak car, some guys buy Lear Jets, I rent a train car." Irwin Mainway says it the most familiar voice imaginable, one I've heard for 25 years. Elwood exits the front of the The Second City seeing rain and takes a step back. I continue into the rain and turn back, "Thanks for bringing so many of us here" referring to The Second City. "It's a great place isn't it?" And that was it.

What the fuck do you say to famous people? I hate it. Certainly there's respectable behavior. I fawned the fuck all over Tim Kazurinsky when I met him at Second City, but I was 19. I never know how to act. I just act like they're anybody else except that I know who they are. But every one of them is so expecting you to pull out a gun.


Anonymous said...

That reminds me of meeting Steve Martin in London a few years ago. I was walking along and suddenly this guy wearing dark glasses and a baseball hat pulled down tight cruises past me on the left. I see the gray hair at the temples and the profile I recognize from movie after movie after movie, and know immediately who it is. I also know I have to say something to him, but I don't want to seem like a stalker, and it's obvious that he doesn't want to be recognized, so I start to tail him at what I hope is an inconspicuous distance. After maybe half a minute he stops at a shop window and looks in. I figure this'll be my one chance, so I sort of sidle up to him and say - I still remember the exchange years later - "Thanks for making me laugh, Mr. Martin." He turns and looks at me, judges me harmless, smiles, shakes my hand, says, "Thanks for not making a scene," and disappears into the crowd. Just as charming and classy as I always hoped he'd be.

Roberto said...

By the way, "Anonymous" on that comment is me.

Fred Mowery said...

Adam, I love this story. How very cool.

Ken J said...

I loved Letterman's "brushes with fame" bit he used to do. I don't think he does it anymore. But it was all about this awkward situation. Part of the allure of stars is that you think you will never meet them. So ironic that performers crave attention, but please, keep your adoration to a safe 10 foot distance. Suffice to say, if I ever meet any of y'all, I'm gonna be in your collective faces.

BTW, my brush with fame? I saw Letterman jogging on Martha's Vineyard, wearing a Ball State Jersey, in really crappy 40 degree weather. I guess he takes his near-fatal heart condition seriously now.

But that pales in comparison to the story of my college roomate and Tom Hanks. Tom (were on a first name) was filming on the Northwestern campus in 1985. My roomate was a huge fan because of Busom Buddies (!?!). I thought my roomate was insane. So he sneaks under the dressing room trailer. Stays there about 2 hours. When the coast is clear, he sneaks into the empty trailer. Stays there another 3 hours. Finally, Tom returns. My roomie pops out of the closet he was hiding in and give Tom the scare of his life. Tom was very cool though. Talked with him. Graciously accepted his 19-year old enthusiastic adoration. Then kicked him out and locked the door.

So Adam, I doubt your Tim K story tops that. You're pretty cool.

Adam said...

WOW! Awesome brushes with greatness. A) Roberto, didn't you meet Kevin Spacy in the bathroom? Is it more awkward to meet a celebrity with their dick in their hands? I love the Steve Martin story. The great thing about Letterman's brushes with greatness was the "writer's embellishment" where the story would be given an egregious mickey spillane spin.

Roberto said...

Ha. Yeah, I ended up next to Spacey at a urinal several years ago at the Palm Springs Film Festival. "Meet" would probably be an inaccurate term. When I realized who it was, and what context we were in, all I could do was nod when he looked over at me. I will say, however, that the urge to see how my manhood stacked up against Keyser Soze's was pretty strong.

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Anonymous said...

Dan Aykroyd is my hero.
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