Friday, April 21, 2006


Wow, what a show last night. That was the first show we'd ever done at the Gallery Cabaret, and the second variety show style show we've done, and yet that show felt like we'd done it 100 times. Perhaps it was the Cafe' Ashie feel that the bar had with a stage in the back with a mural of the city or the local flavor of regular customers who didn't come for comedy. Perhaps I felt it more after the show when the place felt a lot like the Red Line Tap which we went to after every Heartland Show for two straight years. A couple people asked where Justin's wife, Julie was, for all I know she's out of the country but I know Julie often will skip Schadenfreude shows and when people ask why all I can saw is - Red Line Tap, Heartland, two straight years.

And the video that Steve Delahoyde took, good God it looks great. That camera of his is incredible and he REALLY knows how to use it. Great shots, great look. I'll have a couple segments on screening room (one maybe even later today). I put the tapes back in my camera after the show and replayed the show on the tv's and then proceeded to DROP MY 6 YEAR OLD CAMERA 6 FEET OFF THE TV STAND! I just can't believe that fucking camera still works.

But the story of the night was the fact that not only Carla, but Jessie (her girlfriend) cut their hair short! And Jessie cut hers way short. Very cute. Say, that reminds me.


Where are my manners.


Okay, manners are gone. Look at that hair, so short.


Yes, Shannyn Sossamon, because you could never become a famous actress by being named something so Kansas as Shannon. This is why we're losing Democrats.


Your welcome, world.

Do you remember the story? After all no hot new actor/actress is an actor/actress, they're a story. No indie film is a film, it's a story. Before she started acting, she was PR. The story? This complete unknown regulare gal who was just eeking it out as a dj was just plucked magically out of her dayjob and put in a $100million dollar movie. See it can happen to you, yes you, nobody.


Providing you have an agent, have been modeling for years, are a known commodity already, and are friends with Bruce Paltrow who then hires you to dj a party for his daughter Gwyneth.


And you look like that. Not to belittle the accomplishment or her tits. Wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been stumping.


Hey, that's Carla's haircut, and sometimes fashion choice. The preferred cut of the modern short-haired chick.


Boyin' it up. I'll take it. Of course I will.


Boyin' it up more. She pulls it off very well.


So natural.


That is the very definition of rollover hot. You just woke up after going a couple rounds, she's in her night shirt, having her first morning smoke, and without a bit of makeup or even taking a shower, you'd go another two rounds with her.


Is your boss around? Check before you scroll to the next one.


And oh my Christ. Make sure your boss is not even in this state before you scroll down.

Are you ready?

Are you sure?

Short hair + no clothes + flavor of the day in your pants =


boom. brought.


Cdogeriffic said...

I am now making "Short Haired Chick Friday" my JO party of the week. Thanks Mr.Witt....Oh god....Thank you

Sandy said...


You have finally found your voice. I expect a book of the best of SHCF's coming soon to a WH Smith near me.

You know, for the plane.


Sandy said...


You have finally found your voice. I expect a book of the best of SHCF's coming soon to a WH Smith near me.

You know, for the plane.