Thursday, April 20, 2006

Who's Up For A Fucking Show Tonight!

We went through the whole show last night, this is going to be a packed evening of entertainment. You're going to love the venue and the old school Schadenfreude feel of a bunch of friends together to jam out. More closing night ceremonies at the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame than comedy show. If we pack the place we might just get the keys to the bar and put on more and more of these. Schadenfreude on a regular show sched? It's been a while.

And now, the bits, Justin style written on the El, the fucking El.


ARGH! The fucking El.

No, scratch that, the fucking me. If I get on the El at 7:55, I get downtown in 20 minutes. If I get on at 8:05, I get downtown in about an hour. Without fail. Every day. Every time. I'm just sitting here right now and haven't moved in a full five minutes (at which time we moved several feet, just enough justify being transit). I'm always just sitting here when I get on after 8. It drives me nuts, not because it's some weird phenonmena, but because I know this is the peril of being ten minutes later, it happens every time.

Uncommon Ground

That one guy at Uncommon Ground looks like Seth Green. Just calling it out. Everytime I go there I know the Seth Green guy works there and yet I'm never prepared to see him, or prepared for how much he looks like Seth Green. Anyone with me on this? If you've been there you're laughing right now, but if you haven't just keep it in mind for the next time you go. One of the best cups of coffee and breakfast you can have in Chicago, my favorite. Everytime I bring a new person to Uncommon Ground, the first thing they say is "Hey that guy looks just like Seth Green." I find it very funny that not a single person has failed to make that comment.

Wasn't Max Headroom great?

Just a lot of joy there. What's the new Max Headroom?

This may seem overly cruel.

But the guys that work at the Walgreens on Broadway and Ridge in Edgewater are all retarded. I've never seen such a collection of misfits in my life. I know I shouldn't say that, but I'm always surprised at the next guy to wait on me. And the next customer in front of me in line to do that bit where they take a ridiculously long time. Will it be the guy who has to go back to get something he forgot? The counting pennies guy? The couple who can't find the coupon in the flyer and must search for it at the counter? Nothing's for certain at the Wal except that the guy at the counter just might be legitimately retarded. Or look like John Bolton.

What I learned in the Red Eye today
Okay, I'm going to guess what the headline on the Red Eye is about. All I can read is "Ace Closed." So I'm assuming the Ace awards (the award for cable excellence) were last night and somebody won. But wait, do the Ace awards still exist? Why would the Red Eye report the Ace awards? Don't cable shows win Emmy's now? Allright, next line: "Good looks only get 'idol' so far...", OH, it was about American Idol, thanks for playing Adam. That's right, it's the Red Eye, of course it was about American Idol. I lose. Wait, no, not me...what is it, oh yeah, society, society loses.

The sub-heading after that is "who in the heck picked Pickler?" I don't know the answer to that. Some fucking asshole?

I wrote this entire blog between Addison and Belmont...yep, that bad.

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