Monday, April 24, 2006

Sure, but that guy's a dick.

For those who missed 60 minutes, ANOTHER ex-CIA agent went on and said AGAIN that Bush was repeatedly warned that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction. Now we get to play my favorite game: "Sure he said that, but that guys a dick." Will the administration counteract this damning testimony by proving their case with facts? Or will they call him a dick and you just can't trust the opinion of a dick? When will Republicans start viewing lying behavior as indicative of lying? If I spent two years doing everything but proving that I didn't take the cookie from the cookie jar, but rather digging into the past of my accusers "would you really trust the opinion of someone who smoked pot in 1977?" I think we'd all think I'm guilty. For some reason that standard logic never works when the necessary Gods and Masters of those needing of mastery whether it be God, Jesus, or Bush.

Joe Wilson says there's no Uranium from Niger - sure, but that guy's a dick. Richard Clarke publishes a book on the fervor to attack Iraq since the day they came to office - sure, but that guy's a dick. John Murtha, respected war vet and Democratic hawk with vast ties to insiders in the Pentagon says the war's not going well - yeah, but that guy's a dick. Leaks on CIA secret prisons and wiretapping, from dicks. 8 retired Generals call for Rumsfelds firing, dicks.

How's the joke go? Abusive husband's wife catches him screwing another woman - "Who you gonna believe? Me? Or your lying eyes?" Something like that.

So how will they turn Drumheller into a dick? No book to publish so they can't use that "publicity seeking" angle. Maybe prove that he gave money to Kerry? Maybe they'll use the word "shifty-eyed" as they did hundreds of times with Gore. In a day we'll have the talking point and magically Chris Matthews and Katie Couric will say something very similar. Perhaps a panel of Republicans will be amassed to discuss it on CNN. One thing's for sure, they won't counter it with facts. Are you really going to listen to this dick? Dicks are not worth listening to, and here's why he's a dick. Meanwhile no attempt to prove themselves right, just that the other guy sucks. Hilarious. Well, 2,400 are dead, and Tommy's there, so, kinda not.

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