Monday, May 22, 2006

The Countdown Continues

38 Days until

It's getting exciting. The movie looks so fucking good and I'm just so excited to see Superman fly. I like comics and all, particularly Moon Knight if you hadn't noticed, but this goes way beyond that. Superman is a fairy tale that really affects me. It's magical and I'm so excited because I've heard interviews with Bryan Singer and he feels very similarly about the magic of Superman. Just seeing any live-action superhero movie is a thrill, I enjoyed the fucking Phantom for fuck's sake and get weepy at this dumbass trailer for the Aquaman tv show.

I've been completely spoiled for the last six years because the very existence of them thrills me, but seeing one actually pulled off (Blade, Daredevil, Elektra - that's right, Elektra, blow me) is a special thrill, and seeing one just NAILED (X-Men 2, Spider-Man 2, Batman Begins, The Hulk - that's right, The Hulk, go screw) is fucking heroin. And since this whole obsession is rooted in my childhood obsession with Superman: The Movie

aaa a

I'm pretty excited to see Bryan Singer NAIL Superman Returns.

I think it'll be great, but how much does this ad make Superman Returns look like it'll suck?

Gee what network aired this teaser?

The magic of editing because the International Trailer makes it look like an epic.


And seriously, how spoiled am I? I'm writing this three days before another X-Men movie opens. Crazy.


sheila said...

Hey Adam, love the blog. Now how 'bout you go out and get a Super-freakin' cable for your super digital camera!


Roberto said...

Ang Lee got The Hulk exactly right, and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise.

Fred Mowery said...

Roberto, I agree until the last battle, but Banner in the jungle was the perfect ending.

Fred Mowery said...

Reason why Jurassic Park had the best CGI effects is that it really didn't use a whole lot of them. The T-REX and Raptors were all life sized, then they used the CGI to more or less "Stop Motion" them. Its not like Star Wars or the LOTR triology or Kong - so what you are seeing is a real life thing, but its being moved around via CGI. I wish more movies were like that. T2 did the same thing basically.

My favorite character/actor choice in the Hulk? Sam Elliot as Thunderbolt Ross. PERFECT.