Thursday, May 4, 2006


Up in the sky. Is there something wrong with me? I...I just can't handle it. As I type my palms are sweaty on the keyboard. I have the chills, my face is flush. My leg is shaking. I'm full of nerves like my first kiss, or having sex for the first time. I truly, physically can't handle this.

I just saw the new trailer for Superman Returns

And this stuff just, I can't even speak or type. It's not comic books. It's not a nerdy thing. It's a true love of heroism, heroism beyond normal human understanding. Super-heroism. It really gets me. For all these years of loving live action superhero movies it's always come down to that, the only thing it takes for evil to flourish is for a good man to do nothing. These stories have always been about the men that did something, men created to do something when others can't, and took the challenge because they are heroic men. Super-Men. My hands shake after watching this trailer because this movie is one giant version of that theme. It's the theme I love written large. Larger than Batman, Spider-Man.

Beyond that these films with this theme begs us to believe a man can fly. Begs us to be a kid in wild eyed wonder. This whole fascination began with Superman for me. That movie hit me like a ton of bricks when I was a kid. It's all I thought about. And in some ways it's still all I think about. I was always the kid with his head in the clouds, because that's where Superman flies.

Believe with me.

1 comment:

Fred Mowery said...

As much as I loved Hackman's Luthor - Spacey's will be even better.