Thursday, September 1, 2005

Allright who shit on the train?

Who shit on the train!

If you have to shit, please do what everyone else does and get off the brown line and shit on the red line, next to the puddle of puke and lottery tickets.


Justin K. said...

That looks suspiciously like the shit on our door at the Heartland back in 99. Hmmmm, there's a serial public shitter in our midst.

Call CSI.

Adam said...

CSI has gotten back to me

Contents of shit:
1 (one) fifth of Old Granddad
1 (one) pound of Green Giant Frozen corn
2 (two) ounces Planters Peanuts
2 (two) flasks of Night Train
1 (one) homies figurine

Fremodada said...

I hope that girl in the flip-flops knows she's walking in shit.