Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Ahhh Drama.

Ever been in your twenties? Ever had the most important argument in the world with a roommate? What follows is an IM transcript a friend sent me of one such argument. It brought back memories of the world shattering events that would control my life in those precious years called my twenties, how high the stakes were, and how high tempers flared because the weight of the world was on the outcome of the argument? Don't go to bed angry, y'all.

Buddy (3:12:12 PM) xxxx moved out and xxxxxx doesn't have any
furniture so she needs the shelving unit in your room back. Where is
the other ones?
PAL (3:14:34 PM) What? she left them in the basement, where i
took the other broken one.
Buddy (3:15:56 PM): yeah well she needs them back so the one your using...
PAL (3:16:04 PM): haha
Buddy (3:16:13 PM): and I'll go look downstairs
PAL (3:16:30 PM): she didn't borrow them to me
PAL (3:16:34 PM): i didn't loan them
PAL (3:16:51 PM): what about the futon she took
Buddy (3:17:32 PM): since mom is coming over tomorrow, she'll take
them with her when she leaves
Buddy (3:17:40 PM): futon
Buddy (3:17:48 PM): would you like it back?
PAL (3:17:57 PM): she said she threw it away
Buddy (3:19:11 PM): yeah she just doesnt have much right now, her
and matt broke up a bit ago and he moved out, most of the furniture
was his, so she was wondering if she could get the shelves back
PAL (3:19:55 PM): hold call
PAL (3:25:21 PM): Ok.....here's the deal, i'll  give you 20
bucks, cause i m sure you paid for it and after 3 years of having
it....im sure i overpaying
Buddy (3:25:55 PM): ummm...yeah, I think she just wants it back
PAL (3:26:04 PM): she did leave it
Buddy (3:26:14 PM): yeah Pal I understand
Buddy (3:27:02 PM): you can afford something to replace it she
really cant maybe we should just do her this favor and give her the
shitty white shelves
Buddy (3:31:12 PM): are you not really wanting to give them up?
PAL (3:31:29 PM): Do you realize the inconvieninece of me
having to move everything off it, put it somewhere and then take the
time to go out and buy something new....on top of the fact that I am
taking a rediculous amount of time out of work, the place where i make
that precious money....to tell you that i have no desire to go
shopping let alone deal with her....the one person i hoped id never
have to deal with again
Buddy (3:31:59 PM): you arent dealing with her
PAL (3:31:59 PM): it has nothing to do with the shelves.....its
my fuckin time thats important to me
PAL (3:33:06 PM): im done with the convo
Buddy (3:33:12 PM): wow
PAL (3:33:21 PM): not wow....waste of my time
PAL (3:33:26 PM): i offered some money
Buddy (3:33:34 PM): your ridiculous
PAL (3:33:59 PM): I wish i was
Buddy (3:34:12 PM): so you arent going to give me the shelving unit?

The next day...

Buddy (11:54:15 AM): so I am assuming that you have no plans to
give the shelving unit in your room back to her, is that correct?
PAL (12:01:13 PM): Wow....you really don't understand what an
inconvienience it is do you?
PAL (12:01:43 PM): On top of another good reason which is, Why?
Buddy (12:03:14 PM): she just doesnt have any furniture right now
PAL (12:03:20 PM): I could give a flying fuck
Buddy (12:03:25 PM): i see that
PAL (12:03:34 PM): why does she have to take ours
Buddy (12:03:40 PM): its not ours
PAL (12:03:43 PM): she left it....along with a giant mess in the basement
Buddy (12:03:52 PM): okay
PAL (12:03:56 PM): which is still there
Buddy (12:04:02 PM): cool thanks Pal
PAL (12:04:08 PM): and you bought it in the first place
PAL (12:04:13 PM): do buy her another one
Buddy (12:04:17 PM): no her mom bought it for her
PAL (12:04:25 PM): the one thing
Buddy (12:04:39 PM): all of the white shelves
Buddy (12:04:53 PM): she had no room for them when she left, now
that she has no furniture she does
Buddy (12:04:56 PM): so
PAL (12:05:01 PM): but she had room to steal the futon
Buddy (12:05:01 PM): I thought I could help her out
Buddy (12:05:14 PM): the futon was broken and I gave it to her
Buddy (12:05:20 PM): so I guess I stole the futon
PAL (12:05:21 PM): so
PAL (12:05:26 PM): ok
Buddy (12:05:30 PM): I am not trying to get in a battle with you
Buddy (12:05:51 PM): if you arent willing to give up the shelving
unit then I guess you arent willing to give it up
PAL (12:05:54 PM): i don't want to battle....i just think its a
rediculous suggestion
Buddy (12:06:03 PM): well I dont
PAL (12:06:08 PM): REALLY
Buddy (12:06:13 PM): thats why I asked
Buddy (12:06:24 PM): if I thought it was ridiculous I never would
have asked you
PAL (12:06:26 PM): you want to go shopping, build it and  take that time
Buddy (12:06:29 PM): sure
Buddy (12:06:41 PM): if that is what it is going to take for you
to let it go
PAL (12:06:43 PM): than do it
PAL (12:06:56 PM): no....go buy her a new one
PAL (12:07:13 PM): i don't need a new shelf
Buddy (12:07:23 PM): she doesnt need a new shelf either
Buddy (12:07:50 PM): she just wants the one she left there when
she had no room for it a couple of years ago that her mom bought for
Buddy (12:08:05 PM): if it was any one else you wouldnt be making
a big deal about it
PAL (12:08:19 PM): HAHA
PAL (12:08:39 PM): No shit
PAL (12:09:26 PM): I wouldn't give them my shelf and i did
offer to give her some money, so this started civil, but the whether
its you or her thats pursuing this rediculous demand......i want
nothing to do with her ever again
Buddy (12:09:55 PM): I have not offered her the money yet
Buddy (12:10:02 PM): and you havent dealt with her
PAL (12:10:04 PM): it doens't make sense to give her something
now that she threw away cause she didn't have the present mind to
think ahead and get a real job
PAL (12:10:13 PM): this kind of situation IS dealing with her
PAL (12:10:28 PM): ALWAYS
Buddy (12:10:29 PM): what does this have to do with a job?
PAL (12:10:40 PM): you said she didn't have money for the shelf?
Buddy (12:11:06 PM): she didnt have room for the shelf because
most of the furniture was matts, matt has left and now she has room
for it
PAL (12:11:20 PM): all she ever did was make everyone around
her get a knot in their stomach
PAL (12:11:26 PM): i bet i know why matt left
Buddy (12:11:31 PM): not me
PAL (12:11:44 PM): that is obvious Buddy
Buddy (12:11:45 PM): and I dont know why you are slamming my
friend right now char, thats not what this is about
PAL (12:12:06 PM): its about me not letting her be in my life
and or control things in it anymore
Buddy (12:12:20 PM): all right so your answer is no then
PAL (12:12:26 PM): haha
PAL (12:12:36 PM): should have taken the money
Buddy (12:12:46 PM): I havent offered her the money
PAL (12:12:56 PM): well.....
PAL (12:12:58 PM): ooops
Buddy (12:13:05 PM): all right great, have a good one then
PAL (12:13:26 PM): yeah.....dealing with issues concerning her
has now wrecked two of my days
Buddy (12:13:39 PM): and your reasoning, so that I can make it
abundantly clear to her, is what exactly?
PAL (12:13:41 PM): glad you could arrange that for me
PAL (12:14:19 PM): if i had left something from two years
ago....not only would YOU not think that it was ok, but she deff
wouldn't give it up....
PAL (12:14:25 PM): and besides....i like seeing her struggle
Buddy (12:14:38 PM): your a real asshole man
PAL (12:14:52 PM): nope, just a better man for finally not
letting her push me around
Buddy (12:15:09 PM): all right Pal
Buddy (12:15:15 PM): cheers to you then
PAL (12:16:18 PM): and if you were so gung ho on shopping for
a shelf for me....why wouldn't you just buy her one and save everyone
the trouble?
Buddy (12:18:11 PM): I wasnt gungho on buying you shit, I was
thinking that you would simply buy a new shelf and give her the old
one and didnt think you would make such a big deal about it
PAL (12:18:23 PM): why
PAL (12:18:30 PM): why would i want to go out and buy a new shelf
PAL (12:18:37 PM): when would i be doing this
PAL (12:19:02 PM): this is all about you coming to the rescue i think
Buddy (12:19:03 PM): I didnt think you had such a connection to it
and I didnt think that you would think that it would be such an
PAL (12:19:07 PM): i don't
PAL (12:19:11 PM): but it is
Buddy (12:19:17 PM): me coming to the rescue
PAL (12:19:20 PM): no
PAL (12:19:28 PM): the inconvienence part
Buddy (12:19:41 PM): I just said I thought we had the shelves
still, I didnt know if anyone was using them and I would ask the
PAL (12:19:48 PM): no
Buddy (12:19:52 PM): so I asked you
PAL (12:19:55 PM): you said i was giving them back
PAL (12:20:02 PM): you didn't ask
PAL (12:20:15 PM): you said she needs them back
Buddy (12:20:20 PM): oh well my fault then
PAL (12:20:24 PM): so you started the fight
Buddy (12:20:31 PM): I guess I did
Buddy (12:20:40 PM): are you trying to prove me wrong here
PAL (12:20:42 PM): now...i have to work
PAL (12:20:47 PM): there is no wrong you dolt
Buddy (12:20:51 PM): great thanks
PAL (12:20:56 PM): this is an invonvinence to me
PAL (12:20:58 PM): all off
Buddy (12:21:04 PM): nice talk
Buddy (12:21:06 PM): very mature
PAL (12:21:17 PM): what is
PAL (12:21:50 PM): the fact that i don't have time for this
Buddy (12:22:02 PM): screw it I should have known better then to
even bring it up
PAL (12:22:03 PM): the fact that its an inconvienience to me to
go through all that trouble
PAL (12:22:14 PM): the fact that she left it?
PAL (12:22:22 PM): whats not mature about this whole thing
Buddy (12:22:39 PM): I'm done Pal, the shelving unit is yours
PAL (12:22:56 PM): again you fail to see that this has nothing
to do with the unit
PAL (12:23:20 PM): it has to do with the fact that you'd easly
make me go to a ton of fucking work......for what good end?
PAL (12:23:40 PM): in helping one friend you make another go to
tons of trouble
Buddy (12:23:44 PM): your right, I'm wrong, I should have never asked you
PAL (12:23:45 PM): well....thats no help at all
PAL (12:24:00 PM): is it
Buddy (12:24:04 PM): sorry to inconvienence you
PAL (12:24:07 PM): you didn't ask
Buddy (12:24:13 PM): never happen again

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