Thursday, February 23, 2006

But fuck TATU...

This is also a BIG SUPERHERO NEWSDAY. Good things come on Fridays. As you know I am a HUGE live-action superhero fan, have been my whole life and if I catch anyone saying I'm a Johnny Come Lately, I will tie you into a chair, prop your eyes open and force you to watch my copy of Dr. Strange with Peter Hooten.


So I've enjoyed the hell out of the last 8 years of beyond-belief live action superhero films. I never thought such an era would ever arrive as I rushed to the theatre to see The Phantom, which was THE ONLY SUPERHERO MOVIE THAT YEAR. Or Judge Dredd, The Rocketeer, all the only Superhero efforts in their respective years. We can look back and laugh about it now as a year with Ghost Rider, Superman Returns, and X-Men 3, follows a year with Elektra, Batman Begins, and Fantastic Four.

The Phantom. It was the only one. So we went.

So anyway. Big Big news. Do you know it already? This shit gets out so fast. It's probably being printed in the Red Eye as I write this after yet another cover story on the smoking ban.

As you know I'm easily excited at Superhero news, such as the first photo of Thomas Haden Church as Spidey's Villain Sandman.


As uneventful at that shirt and those pants might be. I love watching them come to life. Which is why I was SUPER excited to see the first shots of the new X-Men from X-Men 3.



And I've also been generous with images of the upcoming Ghost Rider film based on the killer cult comic of the 70's - the era that brought you Power Man & Iron Fist, Moon Knight, and Shang-Chi: Master of Martial Arts at Marvel Comics.


But today...

The Spider-Man 3 Poster has been released.

but that's not all...

the costume....

is black...


It's confirmed by Marvel, this is not a black & white photo. The costume is black.

99.99999999999% of you out there just said: So fucking what? But the rest of hot is that? You know what that means? You know who Topher Grace is playing?

For anyone who was not lucky enough to be obsessed with Spider-man during and after The Secret Wars, Spider-Man went off to this alien planet to fight in a war (a secret one) with everyone and their mother. He discovered this space substance which climbed onto his body and gave him the black costume.
He later found out that it was living organism, sucking off his life-energy, a symbiote. He tried to get rid of it, but it didn't want to leave, finally Mr. Fantastic burned it off of Peter Parker. Leave it to Mr. Fantastic.
The living thing found the body of a prisoner named Eddie Brock who became Venom.

The costume is black. The fucking costume is black.


Donald9250 said...

Check out these Asian-on-white (Asian guys fucking white girls) porn sites.
Not yet online (
And god knows how many more.

Jessi said...

Didn't personally know the backstory to him, but I do have to admit that first thought upon seeing the black outfit was for Venom.

And I finally saw the X-3 trailer. While flipping along on public access.. along with Hills Have Eyes remake and V for Vendetta.

No Michael Berryman, but Hills Have Eyes looks awesome.