Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Riding The Bus Part 6

11:03 PM Tuesday night, February 14th 2006

Screenplay will you be my Talentine? MAN is this a slow process. But the work is damn rewarding when you put it in. Act 2 shit is hard to write! Yes, act 2 is hard to write and the sky is blue while we're passing on new information. I have to say this has been a most interesting screenwriting experiment. My last script severely fizzled about 80 pages in, if only I knew then what I know now. Use the BIT method! This whole script was written out of group bits (88 pages worth of bits) with me playing producer and filling in the gaps where they need. But the act 2 bits aren's concepts, they're just...things. The Jason/Holly dinner at The Billy Goat had like 20 bits that all had to tied together in ONE COHERENT CONVERSATION. And it works, it's a crazy funny conversation and it works.

In the scene I just wrote, I took three pages of notes and turned it into a 6 page scene. And boy can you tell this script is written by sketchwriters, here's how much happens in one six-page scene:

In a wild night at the chiphouse Jason complains to Ed that he did not know there was a debate and preps ed in between ed shouting at his buddies on the dance floor polkaing. Todd Voorhies and a bunch of Wrigleyville meatheads come in and start ordering red bull and everything, ed cuts jason short and goes to dance with dorse because it's their anniversay, jason gives ed some saluki bucks, ed dances with dorse, the meatheads make fun of ed loudly, ed leaves, the door is locked bhind him and dale lures the meatheads into the backroom to beat the shit out of them. ALL THAT! ONE SCENE!

Okay, back to work...

Does anyone remember Silverhawks? I've got them on as background noise while I write. I forgot about the villain who's super 80's new wave chick with a keyboard guitar as her weapon! That hilarious, best cartoon ever. And that other guitarist pilot. How great would it be to remake Silverhawks live action as a Tommy-esque Rock Opera. That is one genre comic book films will never emulate. The rock opera.

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