Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Yeah, but Biden fucks dogs...

So Bush is turning over security of U.S. Ports to a country who's banks funneled money to the 9/11 Hijackers. Wha??? You know, they've gotten away with so much obviously wrong and egregious shit, I mean starting a war of aggression has not bitten them in the ass. Imagine that. Could there be any bigger PR nightmare than getting caught in a lie that singlehandedly kill 2,300 Americans, Ruins our names with every foreign ally, and creates a new Afghanistan???? If Clinton couldn't get away with a land investment, you'd think... But no penalty's, they've literally getting away with murder. I don't know why they feel the need to try crazier stuff? Maybe they realize it's all going to come crumbling down and they might as well make as much money as possible on the way out? Maybe they think nobody's paying attention. I don't know. BUT, here's my point. The only fun we can have with each crime the Cheney Administration gets away with is Wait...wait...don't tell me the talking point. There's this 24 hour period after each scandal while they work on their talking point. Oh shit, Cheney shot a guy, oh shit someone in the NSA had a crisis of conscience, oh shit the Iraq elections didn't go our way, oh shit Valarie Plame was do we get out of this one? For about 24 hours after these things nobody in the military-industrial-newstainment complex has an opinion, they just kind of report..., then ALL OF A SUDDEN they all have these firm opinions that all sound similar. For some reason, all at the same time, the media started callling the illegal NSA spying "the Terrorist Surveillance Program." By the way programs are usually declared as a form of a series of actions to be implemented according to a plan, you can't name it after you've done a bunch of things. For example, I have been engaging in the "Discover Card Late Payement Program." But, I still got charged $30.

Point being, it's fun in this little calm before the talking point. How will they excuse this one? No conservative has an opinion today, but they will by tonight. They will have a strong one...later tonight. Something to do with Democrats having no ideas and being weak on terrorism. Or more personality politics, hey, maybe they'll say one of the guys opposing the sale of Port Security fucks dogs. I just want to see McClellan say "Sure Biden says it's wrong to sell port security to a Kingdom who supported terrorists, but this is coming from a guy who fucks dogs." Avoid the facts, attack the person. Oh wait, their latest one, which is so odd because liberals are supposed to be such pansy's is the "these people just hate Bush." Response, because I guess you're not allowed to do that. These people are just Bush haters. So, how do you guys feel about Clinton? Oh that's right, you didn't hate him, you were unimpassioned during impeachment proceedings. Rule of law...rule of law...rule of law... Bad peeps. Very bad peeps. Oh, you know one talking point they bring up when caught, and I don't get this one at all but they ALWAYS go to it: Clinton did it. Does it make any sense to talk about how bad everything Clinton did was and then say, so it should be okay if we do it. None of it makes any sense, unless they're liars.

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