Wednesday, February 8, 2006

When facts are ugly.

Ignore the facts, and attack the messenger. Talking about politics at Coretta scott-Kings funeral!!!????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

That would be like talking about computers at Bill Gates funeral.

Reverend Lowry states something rather relevant. The relevance isn't discussed, the point isn't discussed, viewpoints aren't discussed. Reverend Lowry is, liberals are, freedom is, terrorism is. They are so scared when the audience is not screened and they are called to the carpet by a legitimate part of the population, you can tell how scared they are by how they backlash. You can tell the level of discomfort by how much the opposition must be swift-boated, destroyed, marginalized. Weapons of mass destruction aren't discussed, Joseph Wilson's wife is, Wiretapping isn't discussed, Senators are, Government response to Katrina isn't discussed, robbing blacks are, Torture isn't discussed, freedom is, Civil War isn't discussed, John Murtha's questionable Purple Hearts are, John Kerry's position isn't discussed, whether he fought in Vietnam correctly is. Drives me nuts.

Liberal: You just punched me.
Conservative: That's just like you baby fuckers. Hey this guy fucks babys and now he thinks he can accuse me of something.
Liberal: But you just punched me.
Conservative: Typical baby fucker, always got to say things, always punching people with your words.
Liberal: I'm bleeding.
Conservative: You fuck babys, end of discussion.

In fairness who would know more about Coretta than Tucker Carlson?

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