Monday, July 11, 2005

The Greatest Spectator Sport Ever!

If you are missing it, the impeachment is beginning. It wouldn't surprise me if you are missing it, because the media is making sure you are. The revelation that Karl Rove blew the cover of a CIA agent operating in Saudi Arabia as revenge for her husband's suggestion that the Administration was lying about WMD's was page 26 news in the Sun-Times today. Let me repeat that, the closest confidante to the President (son of the former head of the CIA) was revealed to have committed a High Crime for political motive. And it was page 26 news a week after it was revealed. Remember when scary scary Whitewater was page 1 news? Scary scary Whitewater that was going to reach up from under the bed and getcha! in the middle of the night. Page 1 news. Clinton's affairs, page one news. Remember Clinton's expensive haircuts? How dare he. I'm curious how much Halliburton charges us for haircutting of the troops, reeeeeeal curious. Somehow, despite the fact that Bush's Father is on record saying such a crime should be punishable by life imprisonment, and the fact that Bush has said on record that whoever is responsible for the leak should be punished to the highest extent, not to mention the fact that the leak was revenge for Joe Wilson's CORRECT claim about the Administrations WMD claims, this is page 26 news. Fucking liberal media. Who can blame them, the Adminstration pays a lot of people a lot of money to monitor what is said about them and their war and when a paper says "Bush might be doing something wrong" they get calls telling them they're too liberal. Despite the presses attempts to crush the story of the century this particular crime might stick and get them the impeachment they so richly deserve. Check out Scott McClellan as he
ducks and dodges. It reads like the script for Strangelove.

Now imagine. Just imagine, all this happening under Clinton, with Hilary instead of Rove. Holee Shit.

1 comment:

Fremodada said...

They (The Liberal Media, owned by Republican fat cats) will start picking up on this soon - Newsweek had a little revenge on its mind from the whole flushing the Koran deal (Remember the White House saying they should retract?) when they blew the lid of it.

I don't think there'll be any impeachment - even anti Bush Republicans like McCain will come out and demand an investigation, but knows they need the machinery to have a hope to be President.

I say Rove sticks it out (Bush is REALLY stubborn), but this'll keep going on through Midterms next year - and if the Democrats can focus and behave maturely on how bad things are, and then offer a solution (That's how Clinton got in the first time), then they'll gain back enough of the House and Senate to shut Bush down. He's already backing off on Iraq some.

I'll say this, though. Whoever gives Hillary her speeches needs to fuck off. Calling Bush Alfred E Newman backfired bigtime. Shut the fuck up, focus on the issues.

End Fred's Hijacking of Adam's Blog.