Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I had the dream again, the one where I blow Pat Fitzgerald, you've earned it.

Awesome stuff going on. Pat Fitzgerad is widening the scope of his investigation. SWEET! Wider...wider, yeahh, that's where I like it. This has been the great thing about this case all along, it's bigger than whether her identity was marked secret or not you talking point dumbshits.

Sure, having someone in your administration out a CIA agent is a big fucking deal, having that outed CIA agent be a 20 year vet on WMD detail is a bigger deal, having her outed in order to silence a critic of the administration who claimed the administration was overexaggerating the CIA information on WMD's is a huge fuckup. Oh, and the WMD war in Iraq ain't goin' so well, it'd be a shame if it had been unneccesary.

This is where Fitzgerald is going now, and thanks to the events surrounding the case it's not a stretch. Considering Bush's abuses of office, going after them for outing a CIA agent seems like going after Capone for tax evasion, so I'm just so happy that the offense that got a Grand Jury called on their assees leads to so many other great questions indicative of EVERYTHING wrong about the administration. From media manipulation to war manipulation to the 16 words to secrecy to halliburton to rove to teh conservative movement it all really could crumble because of Valarie Wilson.

Oh, and Bush is debating himself again, redifining the War On Terror as a War On Extremism. Which I agree with, only a bunch of Cold War idiots would've thought this ideological war could be fought like Normandy was. Uh, things have changed "bit" since then, but thanks for trying. I guess there's not enough no-bid contracts involved in an intelligence war, which I'd gladly spend 80billion on.

The only problem I have with Bush's redefinition is this it's what JOHN KERRY SAID WE SHOULD BE DOING!!!! And then Rove sent out talking points about how John Kerry's a fucking asshole and how dare he and every Republican had the same opinion with the same phrasing and everyone bought it and John Kerry was a fucking dick for suggesting such a thing and now Bush got this great new idea that Republicans will love. Sigh. Can I shoot myself yet? Oh, wait, what's that Pat Fitzgerald? I have something to live for? Terrific. See, he's saving lives too!

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