Friday, July 15, 2005

Short-Haired Dick Friday

dick, originally uploaded by PinthGarnell.

Most people calling for Rove's resignation have about as much "real" interest in the intricacies of CIA identity security procedure as Republicans do "real" interest in Joe Wilson's lack of credibility, but when will the Republicans statement of this being party politics weaken? They use that every time someone says anything about them. How can anyone buy that that's an honest defense, how can the party that impeached Clinton say "party politics" about people getting testy about their decisions which have killed Americans. "Party politics" is not a good defense, certainly not from those who invented it. I can't believe there are people out there that think that that's a damn good argument because they have to agree with the party line. Why can't you have your own opinion? Why do you have the party line and "talking points" which are not your actual opinion, but the opinion of someone who makes more than you and makes that by having you strengthen their numbers, you idiot, by speaking their talking points! Disagree with them just once, stregthen your own personal party. Why would anyone trust anyone that seeks to form their opinion for them.

So, let me get this straight, all accusations of wrongdoing, no matter how accurate, if leveled at a Republican are only done so out of partisanship? Who fucking buys the opinon of someone who says they're always right? So they're instantly exonerated in all cases? Why would anyone give them that power? Why would anyone with honest intentions need such a power? And when will people stop seeing their positions as that of strength?

I vote to ban political parties. Can anyone defend why we HAVE to have them? Why anyone on Fox News or the Senate floor or the White House needs an (R) or (D) after their name. How about the Yea Party and the Nay party. On every issue you are either in favor of it, or against it. That's your party line. Do you really think there are no pro-gun, pro-death penalty, or Christian Democrats? The Republicans would tell you none of these exist, because if they did, it would weaken their stupid party. Man, fuck the party system.

I'd like someone to give me a good argument for the organizing principal of the parties. If there were none how quickly would the country go to hell. My thought is, slower.

Why do Republicans have talking points? Why should that be allowed? Shouldn't that be suspect? Why do we allow any section of our government to have a mnaifesto which literally defines a with us or against us policy. Anarchists have manifesto's, Socialists have manifesto's, communists have manifesto's, why do we take it in stride when a section of our government does the same thing? Why do we trust anyone without their own mind to make up on this issue, but rather agree with the talking points and make THAT their opinion. That sincerely upsets me. Why can't a case for Iraq be layed out and, based on a discussion between those in favor and those opposed (yay or nay party), decide whether it makes sense or not, how can everyone on one side "magically" automatically agree on a topic that also fits the guidelines of their party affiliation? I don't trust those sort of antics in a representative government for a second and you should be ashamed of yourself if you do.

There's simply no way to believe that someone who says "with us or against us" is capable of making his case without that crutch and I can't trust anyone who does. Try to convince me without it if you want my trust. Dicks.

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