Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Non-Tales from the Non-Trenches pt. 1: : How I Haven't Got Into Hollywood Yet

PACKADAY is back from SanFran, went to a summit on independent film finance, ended up knowing more than a lot of the guys there. Does not surprise me, when you live in Chicago and want to make it in the movie business you have to work harder and know more than you would in L.A. Chicago people get precious few shots, we want to make them count. Either that or he's full of shit, propping up his ego with claims of vast industry knowledge surpassing that of even the most seasoned pro. Knowing Packaday, that could be an option. Bottom line a few connections were made. But I had no idea how great those connections were until I looked them up. One of the writer's Packaday met was peddling his script, Catchy Idea With Twist Ending. It not only sounded catchy but sounded like a perfect match for Tits & Priests, which Diablito and myself had written as the first screenplay for Packaday's new production company, Marketable Films, based on the book by Known Entity. In a nice twist of fate, the writer of Catchy Idea had also tried to buy the rights to Tits & Priests a while back. Packaday wants to pitch some people he met on financing the two projects together for $4mil, it would be a nice pairing. Meanwhile, knowing that Tits & Priests is going to be hitting some hands soon, I am rewriting. Over the last year all of the additions to the script have been additions like obvious bandaids put on the surface and I'm trying to integrate everything. So I do some research on the writer of Catchy Idea to find out that he worked on some of my favorite exploitation films, including Zarkorr: The Invader. Awesome! AND he's worked for a legend, a true legend in the exploitation industry, the man who created Psychos In Love, Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death, Tourist Trap, Zone Troopers, Parasite, Troll, Ghoulies, Robot Jox! and...wait for it, wait for it FUCKING Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared Syn. Oh and 200 other films all from a company he started during the glorious video boom of the early 80's. I don't know if there's any creator who's work I was surprised to find I knew like I knew this guys. Great stuff. Does it mean anything? No. Does it mean Tits & Priests will be done anytime soon? No. Does it mean the $4mil development deal is a go? No. But Metalstorm, that just pleases me like nothing else. And this is probably why I'll make it in the industry. Because unlike a lot of people I've met and work for, I just simply want to make movies out of love.


Fremodada said...

WAD, I'm betting my bad left eye that you make it. The love of movies will get you there, 'cause you won't need the fame, etc.

But I bet you'll have about 10 short haired girls that dress like boys lounging around your pool. Gotta live a little...

Adam said...

Sure, I'm too dumb to quit. And I gotta get one date with Keira, just one, she doesn't even have to be nice or pay.