Monday, July 18, 2005

Politics Corner, Monday Edition

So Rove didn't do it, kinda, but thank you anyway to all the Democrats who came out and called for Rove's resignation, bolstering the Republican's claim that this was partisan politics. I know guys, it's hard to play their game, particularly when you're not that good at it. You all look really sad when you try and play the game they invented. Rove

Anyway, the good new is, this isn't about Rove. The big question that still remains is why, why oh why oh why oh why was is so urgent, SO IMPORTANT that they discredit Joe Wilson's claim that the world is, in fact, round. What a good administration, so concerned about the press that they didn't want them to print something false. Anyone buying this? About 40% of the country, the one's who jump really far into bed because they're afraid a liberal might be under there and grab their ankles. Yes, the administration read Wilson's Op Ed article stating the roundness of the earth, in conflict with their claims that it was flat and wanted to make sure that the press didn't believe him. Hey, what if he was a liar? So concerned was the administration that the press might have an embarrassment that they sidestepped all the usual outlets of disseminating information and had the Chief-Of-Staff of the Vice President and Whatever Rove's Bullshit Title Is call the press personally to make sure the press didn't print something that might be wrong. That's so nice of them. Lucky for the administration the world IS flat or their fervor over disproving it would be very embarrassi...oh wait.

1 comment:

Fremodada said...

I think the Democrats got played. Kerry and Hillary especially. The game they're trying to play is being dirtier than the elephants, which they'll never win because, by god this is NIXON's people back from the dead.

Clinton knew how to take them down - come up with ideas for making things better than they are now. When Bush was hawking Social Security reform, he made sure to add at the end of each sentence "I'm open to other ideas." Not that he really is, but all the Demos are doing is hoping the Repubilicans hang themselves like Nixon did. Ain't gonna happen this time - they've got guys like Rove that have the talking points, crisis management shit down pat. When the most prominent spokesman for your party is Michael Moore, you're in trouble, 'cause he doesn't have any ideas either. Time for the democratic party to be overhauled again.