Sunday, June 4, 2006

Sunday Politics

Grab a cup of coffee, put the tv on low in the background and read this GREAT article from one of my favorite websites, Media Matters. Because it's the media, stupid. We all know it's a conservative media (whatever conservative means these days??), now read some nicely sourced coverage of your conservative media from Whitewater to now. I think it's an important article just because too many liberals still flog themselves for not being good at politics like conservatives and running all these shitty candidates. It's time for the beaten wives of this party and this ethos to stop justifying their husbands last beating as something that must be your fault, after all you got beat, didn't you?

And while you're at it, read how John Kerry should be your President right now, Stop flogging yourself, you voted correctly, because Democracy, left unfucked with, doesn't favor Republicans which is why they fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck with it and you. Technically it would've been a second Gore presidency, and if you think Gore didn't win the 2000 election then stop it! It's important to them that you think that way, you're better than that.

I can't wait to get our Democracy back.

Imagine, President Gore; no 9/11, no war in Iraq, Afghanistan, no raising the debt ceiling for a fifth time, no precedent for the circumvention of 700 laws, no torture, no wiretapping, no database of every call made, no drum-beating to attack judges, no K-Street project, no assault on the educated, no false division of America, racists struggling to be heard instead of being given numerous forums, no dependence on foreign oil, no John Bolten in the UN, an end to the genocide in Dharfur, no threats from the attorney general to jail those that exercise their right to free speech, no blatant hypocrisy in all attempts at world leadership, billions of dollars saved, hundreds of thousands of lives. Everything afforded America, all impediments to democracy aside. See how well democracy works, look how things would be if the guy we all wanted had been elected. We were right.

It's not their government. It's ours. They aren't scared of thier people enough. They should be too scared to pulling shit like this. It shouldn't be so held together by gentlemanly agreements which can be circumvented merely at the decision to not play nice. It should be held together by fear of a population who's knowledge of it's ownership of it's government is fierce.

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