Monday, June 12, 2006

The Unknown Blogger: The Reckoning!

Thank God for the Unknown Blogger, because I don't have time to write shit. I got the "Alderman" synopsis done and we're getting it to Paul Leuer, the director of "Eden Court" which we all worked on last year. He's pitching some ideas this week and we gave him Alderman. Fun. The only problem is that the story of Aldmerman isn't funny. It's a very funny screenplay, but the synopsis just reads like a chain of events, as a synopsis of Caddyshack would read I presume. "The Judge Smails chastises Danny on being with his neice and asks Danny if he'd like the scholarship" Anyway... The rest of the weekend, which just dissappears like mad now I spent doing Weekly Bits, which Sandy is now helping me on because I don't have enough time to pour through footage, I also went to short-haired chick Jen Ellison's show Invasion of the Minnesota Normals which was really really really good. And I rehearsed with Sean Cusick and the gang on this Skybox Show, which I don't have time for and feel I've done him a disservice by saying I could do it. So tonight we're continuing to rewrite Alderman and I gotta get this week's Screening Room done and meet Sean Cusick at the Second City skybox if there's time and meet Franky J. from the Lavendar Cabaret if there's time. You know what the problem is? This fucking job, that's 40 hours of very valuable time. Gotta find a way to make that go away. So that's my weekend. And now a man near and dear to my heart: The Unknown Blogger

You're a Bigot and a Knob, Now Shut Up!

In the last few years, as gay rights activists have pushed for equal protection under the law and the right to be married, there's been a lot of pushback from the white-ringers (er, sorry, right-wingers). These are religious-types mostly who are about 1000% Christian and toss around phrases like ìthe sanctity of marriage and aberration of nature and against Gods law. But at the end of the day, no matter how you wordsmith it or mask it in pseudo-piety, these men and women of God are purely and simply bigots.

These pimps of self-righteousness always cite the Bible. Ah yes, the Bible: it slices, it dices, it chops and hops and best of all itís the little black box that contains all the salvation for you and all the damnation for your enemies.

Did you know:

It is a crime, punishable by death, to curse your parents? (Lev 20:9)

It is a crime, punishable by death, for children to make fun of bald people? (2 Kings 2:23-24)

It is a crime, punishable by death, for a woman to not be a virgin on her wedding night (even if she was raped)? (Deut. 22:20-21)

It is a crime, punishable by death, to even TRY to help God? A man named Uzzah tried to stop the Ark of the Covenant from tipping over because of all the partying going on outside and was killed by God for it. (2 Samuel 6:3-7)

And the list goes on and on and on. All THESE capital crimes, well that was just zealousness which you have to put into context of the times. But if two men or two women deeply love, care for and respect each other, THOSE FUCKERS HAVE TO DIE! God forgive (pardon the expression) there's more love in the world.

You know how unimportant the issue of homosexuality is to God? It didn't even make his top 10 list! The next time you hear some fruity nut cake of a religious person railing about how God hates fags and they should all die, ask them how many times they scream in anger publicly about people who don't ìremember the Sabbath and keep it holy or people who don't honor their fathers and mothers.

These are so important to God that probably a good third of the Bible is centered around the people that were freed from Egypt so they could follow them, the tablets they're carved on, the ark that was made to carry them in and the nations that were obliterated that opposed them. Homosexuality is never, NEVER, listed as a reason to go to war or a law so important a nation should be founded to oppose it. Never. Nope.

There are only two conclusions that can be reached about the people who dedicate seemingly endless hours obsessing over the lives of homosexuals and bisexuals: either they think God was wrong (and therefore is fallible) for not making it one of the ten commandments or they're just prejudiced assholes who hate gays and justify their hate by clinging to a couple of loosely-worded entries tucked deep inside an ancient book somewhere.

If you think you have the answer, give me a call. Our lines are open.

As an interesting post script to this blog, on the way home from work I was passing a van that had all kinds of anti-gay banners on it. Thankfully I had my camera and took the following picture:

Van Banners 003b

Doesn’t that just say everything? To these bigots the issue of homosexuality eclipses the 10 Commandments – supposedly God’s most important message to the world.



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