Friday, June 23, 2006

Y'all Ready for this! It's Super Short-Haired Chick Legend Friday!

It's time to revisit and old old favorite and do her justice. Or perhaps just do our minds.

It all started a long time ago on the wall of a 13-year-old Adam Witt far far away.


Sigh. I was never the kid who collected teen magazines or really had any teen crushes, I was too busy watching Star Wars and working on my filmmaking career to have time for petty teen crushes. However I was this kid who was friends with Richard Jones, who's Mom had a job stocking magazines for local retailers, that added up to a lot of free teen magazines and free pinups.


Much to my chagrin in the 7th grade you were required to develop crushes on girls and declare a band your favorite. I chose Alyssa Milano and Def Leppard, and neither have let me down since.


She was just so damn cute! ANDshe was in the best movie ever made (at the time), Commando.


So, movie connection satiated, I developed a huge crush.


27" x 41" to be exact. I'm a Devil's fan to this day (they've had a few pretty good years in the interim) This poster was the centerpiece of 20 other pinups provided by Richard (including the one at the top of this post). What a crush it was. And it got deeper, I found out she was born on December 19th, 1972.


Yes, the exact same day as me. At the time I thought this connection would someday magnetically attract us and we would get married, though I supposed that would make me just as likely to marry pop-sensation Limahl or model Tyson Beckford.

And then...


Not satisfied that she was perfect in every way she went and did a nude scene. YES!


Thank you thank you thank you. Prayers were literally answered that day. The Hollis Brothers and I crowded around that tv the day it was released and watched the worst movie with two of the best minutes ever filmed. Alyssa's legend just kept on growing. And then one day to further answer some stray prayers.


The hair came off. A boyhood crush would continue into middle age, the exact same middle age she was in, to the date.


A couple of years ago while at my new job at a production company I met a guy I would end up writing a screenplay with and who would ultimately convince me to quit my job over IM. I was asked by someone when my birthday was, I said "December 19th 1972." To which my future screenwriting partner responded "Oh, the same day as Alyssa Milano." Which was super weird for him to know. I mean, it's my birthday, so I knew it, but for him to know it, that's just weird.


Turns out he dated her, which is pretty crazy.

Universal Amphitheatre

She left him for Holly Marie-Combs, who I've seen naked. Well, not in person, but she was in the first movie I ever worked on, A Reason To Believe, and while I was locked off the set when she showed her boobs I did end up as an apprentice editor and made as many excuses as possible to sort through the raw dailies of her topless. Fun.






The best picture taken of anyone ever! EVER! EVER! EVER!



to be continued...

1 comment:

Jack said...

I think for the first time, you and I might be in total agreement. Wait, second time. Halle Berry was right on the money too. These are two short-haired hotties who are truly legendary. Although I think Alyssa Milano looks better with long hair (sacrilege I know for this topic), Halle Berry is a woman who looks perfect with short hair. Good call on the topic!