Wednesday, July 26, 2006



I just saw Justin linked to this on the front page stating that "Adam laughs at the faux Aquaman trailer" A) It's real, the WB, or CW, whatever it is, actually shot an actual pilot to an actual show about Aquaman, filtered through that Smallville lens. And B) I'm not laughing, I just paid $2 over at iTunes for the fucking thing. I love it. Bring on the goddamn Blue Beetle tv show, Red Tornado, Apache Chief. I have yet to see a bad superhero adapatation, that's how deep my mania sinks!

the original post

How cool is it that they shot a pilot for the "big joke" of superheroes, Aquaman? And put some real effort in it to make him cool. I love it. Well now the pilot is available on iTunes, check it out

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