Friday, July 28, 2006

Waiter, there's a lady in my water...It's Short-Haired Chick Friday!

Ladies and gentlemn, I present the star of Lady In The Water, The Village, and Gwen Stacy from Spider-Man 3, Bryce Dallas Howard.

Howard, Bryce Dallas

The thinking man's Kirsten Dunst, why does she never look that good in her movies?


I just heard M. Night Shyamalan on Howard Stern (who's new show, by the way, is easily, EASILY the best work he's ever done). Howard Stern is the first place I ever heard of him. Night is a huge fan and called into Howard's show about a week before The Sixth Sense opened. Night took a lot of shit about being Indian that day, he is an incredibly good sport. Night has come on Howard every time during his meteoric rise. Unlike other entertainers like Jim Carrey or Jerry Seinfeld, who during their club days or initial cancellation of Seinfeld couldn't keep out of Howard's studio and now won't go near it. Even after making $4billion on his films, Night has no problem following a dominatrix.


I'll be seeing Lady In The Water this weekend, but needed the tie-in to Bryce Dallas Howard for Short-haired chick Friday and I wanted to come to his defense. I love M. Night, and got a little pissed off during the march to Iraq, I mean the march to the opening of Lady In The Water, I'm so fucking tired of being manipulated by the fucking media.

Ziegfeld Theater

I've got a degree in communications, I've studied the media for decades, I've manipulated media as an editor and I get it, I don't even see the commercial or the 20 second spot on headline news, I see the angle and the intent and the way they manipulate me so believe I need a blackberry, and make Kate believes that there was a perfectly valid reason for all 7 of Tower 7's poured-concrete re-bar struts to give out SIMULTANEOUSLY because of glass blown from the World Trade Centers.


I'm glad to see in this M. Night controversy all of America has rushed to the side of the little guy, Disney. You know the talking points; ego, spoiled, ego, can't take criticism, democrats just like criticizing the president, ego. It might be conspiratorial of me, but I believe Disney owns some tv networks, I believe some magazines too, they also produce shows, I have a feeling Access Hollywood or Extra is one of them, do we know who owns the E! network? Disney's a pretty big company, I wonder who's ego is bigger and who's is hurt?


My girlfriend started hacking on M. Night the other day about his, get this "ego", and then threw out some jab like "I get it, all your films have surprise endings, and I never see it coming, I get it..." Like it's easy to make a reputation at all in the industry much less develop yourself as a brand, a brand that means quality. That's like saying "Hitchcock, I get it, I don't know what's going to happen next, there's a lot of suspense, and I'm tired afterwards..." or "Coen Brothers I get it, you make genius films."


Plus, that's not what's great about Night anyway. What's great about Night is that he's a genre deconstructor, Unbreakable is his Spider-Man, Signs is his ID4, The Village is his Evil Dead, Lady In The Water is his...I don't know, haven't seen it, but I hear it's his kid's movie. If Unbreakable is his Spider-Man then I want to see his kid's movie. And beyond that he looks so closely at the effect of the fantastic events on people and families with problems, and not in that "Peter Parker's a real-teen" way, but in that "Bruce Willis can find the strength of a superhero yet can't hold his family together" way.


So Disney doesn't like Night's script, claimed the concept was "difficult," as I imagine the concept of The Village was, and Night went to Warner Brothers. That isn't really unique. Warner's courted him (not unique), but they courted him by letting him make the film he wanted to make. Can casting Paul Friggin' Giamatti be considered selling out? Why do I have a feeling Disney was not overly happy with Paul Giamatti to open their summer tentpole, which they're right to do, and Night had options, options he's earned through being really fucking good at making movies.


But Night is a part of the most hated race, the rich and successful, but I can't begrudge him for becoming one off the few directors who's films can be sold on his name. Does Night have an ego? Yes. Is that news? In Hollywood? I love the guy, I think his shit is genius and he'd have to do something different with his movies to make me not want to see them, but Lady In The Water looks like he's doing exactly what I love him for, only the media is telling me otherwise.



Did you know Tower 7 is only the third steel-structure building to collapse because of fire? The first two ever to collapse because of fire happened an hour earlier.

"...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
- Sherlock Holmes


Don Hall said...


Good commentary - I'll likely see Lady in the Water as well.

But super kudos on Bryce - short RED haired chick - I blew my load, brother!

adam said...

Don't. I saw it. It sucks. I stand by everything I say in this column, but he really blew it. In it's conception it's everything I love about Night, but he blew it, tried to pull a Tim Burton when he could've tried to just pull a Night. I'll blog about why he blew it.