Saturday, July 1, 2006

Saturday Morning Cartoons

From my VIDEO to my RADIO! It's too bad we used so much synth guitar solo in the 80's, I guess we used it all up.

The Christopher Reeve depiction of Superman is actually NOT the best, this is (this statement made before seeing Superman Returns Sunday at 2:30 at the Evanston theatres.

Remember when mankind invented holography and w had to create a toy to exxploit it? I had the shit out of these toys, they SUCKED. In the mythology of the cartoon you had to say a certain phrase to use your Holographic powers and I believed that you had to say the phrase when playing with the toys. My cousin thought this was gay and we played Marvel Superheroes Role Playing Game Instead.

A) Watch the first second of this clip and note the look of the kid onscreen during the voiceover about fall fashion.
B) This cartoon still rocks.
C) Why the fuck would they make a Dungeons and Dragons movie and not use this concept and these characters? Then again there is the Marlon Wayans rule, he has to be in movies.

One To Grow On, burned into my brain forever.

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