First I did a show
I dropped 85% less lines this last Friday during the second run of The Anti-Cultural Society at the Second City Skybox which always makes a show go better. Doin' it again this Friday at 7:30, so stop by. Roommate Steve and Fremodada will be stopping by, we're going to go get lit and then go watch 45 Minutes Trapped In a Room With Don Hall & Joe Janes at 10:30.
Then I drank at The Last Act, er,, fuck that, The Last Act
Anyone remember The Last Act? No? Maybe it is time to leave. Drinking at Corcoran's is not special to me. The Last Act, however, holds a little comedy scenester thrill for me. It's where a 19 year old me looked-on at the camaraderie of Mitch Rouse, Amy Sidaris, Paul Dinello, and Stephen Colbert drinking after a Second City show and dreamed of a day where I might someday celebrate a similar victory similarly, but in the absence of that I'll have a drink after Cusick's show. I don't think I've ever drank at Corcorans with anyone in Schadenfreude, but The Last Act is definitely where I asked Justin, Sandy, Kate, Ike, Gillian, and John if they wanted to get together and write.
Then I Went To A Party
Boy did Ben's birthday party on Friday night cheer me up. It was the whole crew from my production company I quit a month ago and we all missed each other. I got a lot of compliments, hugs, enjoyable conversation and attention. A lot of love in the room. My buddy Tom has been begging me to get on the phone with a friend of his in L.A. who's starting a production company and needs people to sell investments. Hey, it beats temping and it will be a little more like working within the industry when done in L.A. as opposed to Chicago, which, believe it or not, is actually not the best place to have a movie production company. Yeah, I'm just learning this too, but I guess they're all in California. I'll let you know the facts as they become available to me. So Tom says over and over that I have to talk to this guy because, get this, "you really know what you're talking about." (meaning me). I know what I'm talking about? That was good to hear. I guess I didn't waste three years after all. It reminded me that, despite my first thought impulse when I started freaking out about not having a job, I didn't just revert to as dumb as I was when I temped seven years ago. I didn't learn nothing in the interim. I don't know why it's so hard to remember all that? More on David later, bottom line I might have an opportunity in L.A. and bottomer line, I couldn't believe how everyone from my former company was so passionate about making movies and wanting to work together again. My former employer completely failed to notice that passion and those ideas, or, even worse was threatened by them.
THEN I Watched Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn
So this Thursday Schadenfreude will be returning to the Neo-Futrarium for It Came From The Neo-Futrarium, staged readings of bad movie screenplays. We were lucky enough to be a part of the first ICFNF and I honestly think that was the best thing we ever did. I think I've given that claim to a few things, so we'll just say top 3. The first ICFNF was a great assortment on shlock, there was your requisite 50's sci-fi film, your spaghetti western, and a few other genres present, but I thought Schadenfreude's selection was the perfectly Schadenfreude, the 1984 Slobs vs. Snobs classic Up The Creek.
Goddamn what a good choice. This time around we are doing a double feature of Sandy and Stephe's favorite schlock movie of all time, Robot Jox
...and...and I can't believe this, chosen without me involved at all is a film that I would choose any day of the week and twice on Sunday, Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn!!!!!
Godbless you Conner Kalista. I saw Metalstorm at the Kon Tiki when I was 10 during an amazing explosion of 3-D movies in '83, including Jaws 3, Spacehunter: Adventures In The Forbidden Zone, and Treasure of the Four Crowns. All of which were awful and had a crew with a lot of Italian Last names.
Who would've guessed while I exited the theatre after seeing Metalstorm that 23 years later I'd be performing it onstage. Crazy life.
Man I made my Dad take me to some bad movies. Great White, Tank, Jaws 4, Superman 4, When Savannah Smiles, The Wrong Guys, They Still Call Me Bruce, Hardly Working and a whole bunch more.
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