Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I was editing the other day and I fucked up, small error, I cut into a shot with the camera out of focus. I quickly changed my error, paused, then undid. The I went to the previous shot and extended where it began so that it included the zoom I'd previous cut out. I then started looking for all the times the camera shifts by zooming or focus. I found where Steve took the camera completely off the group of the yellow-shirted fake stock analysts that populated the entrance to our last Rent Party doing he bit where the guys hang out in front of the Merc and smoke and talk to passing hot women.

Check out the first 40 seconds of the video in the screening room, the error defined the style of the segment. It was a great error. It's such a catch 22 how badly we need error. How do you get better? Fail quicker. If we don't take the leap then we'll never figure it out. I didn't know I'd be moving to California on Sept. 16 when I quit my job in June, and had I stayed I would've never decided to move. Had I not quit my job I would've never felt the pressure to tell my roommate that he should look for a roommate. He would've never had practical reason to ask, so I had to set a date. Schadenfreude, for the most practical reasons possible of any people in my life, needed to help me figure out the earliest I could leave, it would not be until Sept. 16th.

It's all so impulsive and scary. I could fail at any moment. My feet are so cold. It's so comfortable here. But, I'm a filmmaker. That's it. I've always been one, it's what I wanted to do all my life, and film is a hobby here. Chicago was a place I went to study my other love, comedy, which, really, is kind of a hobby here too. Of course you can make movies anywhere in the United States but like five guys do and they all own houses in L.A.

Maybe I'm a sellout, I feel this wall of silently rolled eyes at this decision. I just don't want to be that guy that thinks moving to L.A. automatically makes you a success. I also don't want to be that guy who heard from a guy who said that nobody who's ever moved there ever succeeded, they're all still waiters, that no writer and no actor, producer, director ever succeed except for these special people, and that special success is not for anyone else, it's all used up because L.A. sucks. I also have to question how good a screenplay most of those waiters have.

Can't back out now. I've decided, and I would look like a super loser to the hundred people I've told. And you. Maybe I'm making an error. But then, maybe there are no errors but rather simply variations on being correct.


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