Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Sweet new Superman Picture

routhsupesnew, originally uploaded by PinthGarnell.

They released a very sweet new picture of Brendan Routh as Superman so I thought I'd do a quick superhero post. By the way, mark my words, on the record, from everything I've heard and read so far about Superman Returns, I state that Superrman Returns will be not only a great movie, and a great superhero movie, but one of the best movies any of us have ever seen. 800 mil worldwide.
Reeve was the man
Saw Batman again, God that film rocks.
Batman Rocks
Saw Fantastic Four again just to make sure it was as bad as I thought.
It is. I'll give my usual caveat for all bad superhero movies: "But hey, it's a Fantastic Four movie."


Fremodada said...

haven't seen ff yet, but geez...the Thing is tiny! Shorter than Mr. Fantastic. They could have CGI'd part of him to make him look big. Right now he looks kind of like a homeless guy, staggering up to Mr. Fantastic - "Spare change?"

Adam said...

Yeah, The Thing, while one of the two good characters in the movie (Johnny Storm is great), is a bit of a guy in a suit. CG might have been a good idea, just because I thought they get some great emotion out of the CG Hulk and The Thing is so emotional, but the Thing is a LOT like the Thing in the Corman version. You should see it, just because it's the law, but think of it as a live action version of Marvel Two-In-One with The Thing or Marvel Team-Up with The Human Torch with these other lame supporting characters. Johnny Storm is really enjoyable, really really well done.

Roberto said...

I'm glad Singer's doing Superman, but unfortunately that's leaving Brett Ratner to single-handedly ass-rape the X-Men franchise.

Adam said...

Oh I know! How average will he manage to make that!? I have no doubt the film will expose under Ratner's control but Ratners not exactly a "Professor X and Magneto are like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X" type of director.

Adam said...

Oddly, Ratner was unable to get X-Men off the ground before singer and was unable to get Superman off the ground before Singer. Think he has a complex about that? Also Singer wanted to do X3 but was getting producered to death on his plot idea plus they HAD to shoot early May to hit their release really can be idiots. Meanwhile WB walks up and offers him $150mil budget, script approval and final cut on a superhero he not only likes (he wasn't an X-men fan) but loves! Gonna be cool.