Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I quit my job

It was the most impulsive thing I've ever done, just decided and did it. It was exciting to work for a production company, but I'm not producing, I'm just a salesman. We made a great movie. I've gotten this next movie off the ground and may still work crew on the shoot but I need to be writing, producing, directing, acting, voice-overing. Even if all I get is uninterrupted writing time for the remainder of this week before I need to start looking seriously for a job that will have been enough, my parents are in town this weekend, so I would be taking Friday off anyway. I need to get my feature film concepts in line I need to have scripts, the preparation to meet my opportunities. So I'm boogieing down today. I owe Sean Cusick some scripts. I owe Paul Leuer a few synopsis'. I owe Schadenfreude.net some kickass videos, so that's all this week off is getting caught up with my creative life so I don't want to blow my head off when I go get a job. The last thing I want is to go back to work having accomplished nothing. Here's how it broke down. It's unfortunate I had to quit because I think Strata's next project would've made me a lot of money, they'll be attaching actors in a few weeks and nothing sell's to investors like name talents. But, I don't know, I just feel this is what I needed to do. I had the following conversation with my writing partner on Blue World. Who terminated his sales position within the company a week ago leading me to a lot of deep thought.

AIM IM with Charley
2:50 PM

Charley: how goes the day?
Adam: I just hate this
Charley: quit
Adam: gotta find a job
Charley: find one
Adam: working on it
Charley: you got any prospects?
Adam: no
Charley: for deals i mean
Adam: no
Charley: quit
Charley: right now
Charley: just leave
Adam: I should
Charley: find a job over the next couple of days or week
Adam: I don't think I'm doing anyone any favors
Charley: nope
Charley: especially yourself
Adam: Do you know how many projects I should be working on right now?
Charley: so quit..........why waste your time.......i'm not trying to be devils advocate, but what else are you gonna do......waste your time there and maybe you'll make money or get a job and do other things
Adam: I would be in the same financial position if I'd quit two months ago.
Charley: yup.....probably better off though
Adam: oh god yes
Charley: xxxxxx is moping around the house cause he can't find a job and he doesn't know what he wants to do and we've had like three weeks of pep talks and stupid shit the worst thing is that he could do anyhting but has no desire or passion for anything
Adam: that's most people
Charley: exactly,you know what you want to do
Adam: unlike most people
Charley: you know that you're not going to be able to do it there
Adam: yeah
Charley: so why are you still talking to me from there?
Adam: I so can't answer that question
Charley: here's an easy question then what do you want to do with your life?
Adam: sales, wait, no, Create
Charley: ok.....how do you do that?
Adam: create
Charley: so whats your first step towards that?
Adam: create
Charley: than do it........and find a way to support yourself that doesn't kill you on the inside
Adam: There's tons of jobs
Charley: tons of them everywhere, go work at the coffee shop down the block from me
Adam: okay, I'll quit.
Charley: sorry about the super pep talk but i've been lecturing xxxxx all day
Adam: it's good.
Charley: and he isn't listening to a word any of are saying......
Adam: it's a long time coming, like a year
Charley: and its frustrating cause you need a change too
Adam: oh yes
Charley: so good.......we can go write tomorrow at uncommon ground
all day
Adam: paradise
Charley: it is. is Tag there?
Adam: yeah
Charley: you gonna tell him right now?
Adam: thinking
Charley: whats your argument about staying
Adam: this'll crack you up, safety, that's the only thing I can come up with. hahaha. Don't know why my mind goes there.
Charley: tell me about this safety which you are coveting so closely, when are you getting paid next?
Adam: never
Charley: what is your plan for the future in the company? is there room to grow?
Adam: See you at Uncommon ground tomorrow.

And I quit. So here I sit writing in my comfy pants. My bosses were happy to see me make the decision, they knew I was miserable and that I'm too creative to be on the phone. They told me to move to L.A. And I think my job search will start there.

I'm a big believer in symbolism and creating your day and all that positive thinking fru-fru. I just know something good will come of this decision. As I was contemplating quitting I went for a smoke with my book of the moment "Rebels On The Backlot" the story of the indie film movement through the tales of Tarantino, Soderbergh, Fincher, David O'Russell, and Spike Jonze. Knowing I'd probably come back up from the smoke and quit I told my fellow worker that "I'm about to read the most important passage of my life in this book." The sort of shit I throw out so that the universe will shift in my direction and give me direction, declaring something as symbolic. And then I read looking for the sign. Did you know John Ridley wrote the script for Three Kings in seven days and sold it in eighteen days. That's what I read.

Alright, time's a wastin'. I'll let you know how the day went.

Ironic addendum: I still have appointments I booked for the week before I quit and just talked to a guy who's going to invest. After not making money for two months in my sales job, I make a sale and commission the first day not in the office. haha.


Fred Mowery said...

Congrats, brother. Glad to here you're moving to the real work. Let me know if you need anything -


Fuzzy said...

Awesome. Congrats. Power on, man.

LA Ray said...

TGFA! good move. welcome to MY world. jeopardy comes on at 11...

Don Hall said...

Fucking A, brother!!

The worst thing a man can do with his life is to wake up on his dying day and only be able to calculate the amount of rent and utilities he paid in his lifetime and the stuff he owned and discarded when listing his accomplishments.

You got the moxy - now go DO IT!

Death By GoKart said...

my aunt once said the hardest wall to climb is the side of the rut you are in... or something like that... cant remember exactly.. must be the Jamesons