Thursday, June 1, 2006

It's A Short-Haired Chick Tie-In!

Fuck fuck fuck.

My computer blew up, so now I'm doing this on the office computer and I have to wait until dipfuck and pissshit are done on this computer to get on and post pictures of short-haired chicks. Sorry it's late. I'm a man without a country with my Mac in the shop.

It's probably not the wisest thing to post titty shots on the office computer, but when you have a job that you can't get fired from, you take your liberties. If they want respect, give me a staff position.


Well the time has come, one very obvious Short-haired chick has been sorely missing for a year and three months. I was waiting for the perfect oopportunity where all the interests of the Otisblog come together, superhero movies and short-haired chicks. The time has come - X-Men 3


Wait a second. Her hair's not short.


There we go. Way more than some flavors of the moment or some boy-girls that I'm infatuated with, this is a REAL short-haired chick, it took a long time to collect pictures of Angelina Jolie in short hair, but it is nearly inpossible to find a picture of Halle Berry withOUT short hair.

And for a blog that OBSESSES on live-action Superheroes, she's perfect. Storm AND Catwoman AND a Bond Girl. Come on.


Sure Catwoman reportedly sucked and she was really terrible as Storm, but still, I give all live-action Superhero movies props just for existing, I respect that Catwoman exists, like Man-Thing, Steel, and the Dr. Strange tv movie. And that was a pretty good Bond film. Though how great does Casino Royale look?


It's cool that she was Storm. I just get diddy seeing people dressed up as superheroes, when I see Wolverine I get giddy, wanting to nudge the person next to me and point at the screen "Look it's Wolverine...for real."


No matter what happens to a frog when it gets struck by lightning I get a kick out of seeing Storm all dressed up like Storm and flying around and shocking people and causing tornadoes. It's just cool. *nudge*nudge* Look, it's Storm.


How beautiful is Halle Berry, it's kinda ridiculous isn't it?



I've never seen Monster's Ball, so I've never seen that time she acted well, but X-Men is not indication of what I've been told is her talent. She recevies a lot of guff for being a bad actress, but I think it's unfair. Nobody gives Mira Sorvino a bunch of shit for being a bad actress.


And what's the call on the Oscar thing if your an actress? They all cry, it gets lots of press and makes all the montages, cry cry cry. So you're an actress and you win and you know it's a cliche, do you force it? It just seems like thanking god when you win an NBA Championship, you just have to do it.


Did you know that she was given a "Razzie" award for her performance in Catwoman and actually showed up in person to accept the award and then did a parody of her Oscar speech. That's pretty cool. But how simple is it of the producers at every newstation in America to include the "Razzies" as their lighter side for the news that day EVERY year. That concept it so tired. Funny in 1980, I gues, like Doonesbury.


She's also famous for showing her tits in Swordfish.

But I couldn't show that.

Because I'm on my work computer, and you're at work and you'll get in trouble.

Because it would shockingly appear on your screen and you would've received no warning to look around and make sure that your boss isn't around

And then you'd get in a bunch of trouble.

Because I didn't warn you.

And besides. That's not what my blog's about.

I would ever put a nude photo on this blog because the just really lowers the discourse and that's not what is all about.


Fuck. I think I hit the wrong button.

1 comment:

Fred Mowery said...

I've seen that same shot from Swordfish on TNT, and she's wearing the top. Not a whole lot of difference, except when he stumbles over the chair it makes no sense. Still, what a weird place for a boob shot. Its like: "Halle, I've got this great idea for scene 20. Ready? You're topless! It'll give added dimension to the character." She's like Natalie Portman - astoundingly beautiful, and totally willing to go buff - but the Producers know there's a legion of pervs out there waiting for it, and will see the movie once they hear rumors, then buy the dvd when they think it will appear in the "bonus features". Look how well Closer did.