Friday, July 21, 2006

Again, IS your boss around? Because it's short-haired chick Friday!

I wouldn't suggest looking at this if your boss is even IN today. Very sexy stuff. In fact, just to be sure, you may want to have your boss killed before you look at this.


A while back I posted a Short-Haired Chick Friday featuring local (and since that blog NATIONAL) Burlesque talent, Michelle "Toots" L'Amour


So I got an email from Franky, her manager, complimenting me on the blog and agreeing with me that Michelle has a pretty amazing ass.

That's Franky.

He wanted to meet because one of the points I had made in the blog was that I found burlesque shows that showcase comedy were never funny.

Ridiculously cute, isn't she?

I was mostly making my comment on Burlesque from what I know of Lenny Bruce when he used the platform of introducing burlesque shows to single-handedly crossfade vaudeville to the standup we know today. Franky wanted to know if I might be able to help add some jokes and I was more than happy to help out.


We met at this bar next to The Music Box. The main room was kind of packed so I went to the back room which was amazingly unpacked and full of girls, after I tried to order a drink I realized I'd crashed a bachelorette party.


So then I met Franky and Michelle. It was so weird. I mean I've pretty much seen Michelle naked, and then talked a bunch about it on our website. If you know me and my tastes though, I run a lot more jeans and t-shirt than dresses and high-heels. Well here was Michelle in jeans and a t-shirt, and she was SO DAMN CUTE! We talked for quite a while about the shows Franky was cooking up and agreed to meet again and take a look at some of the stuff Franky had done and come up with a few sketches we could shoot for their website.


In the meantime Michelle went national.

After three solid weeks of phone tag during which I quit my job and decided to move to L.A., Franky and I finally got together and wrote some skits, and in the interim Franky asked me if I knew anyone that knew how to do the voice of KITT from Knight Rider. Odd question, but I gave my shot at it.


As it turns out Franky had a great idea for Michelle's next appearance on America's Got Talent, to have Michelle do a striptease on the hood of a mockup of KITT with me doing the voice! I told my Mom who told everybody in the world that her son had finally made it.


And then lawyers got involved. Knight Rider is no longer owned by the network that airs America's Got Talent and the bit got nixed. Although Franky told me that the bit may not be completely dead. Wish us luck!


I think Franky and Michelle are onto something huge. Modern Burlesque will soon be a huge industry. It's tasteful stripping, something suburban housewives can buy into because it's classy, and something their husbands can get into because it's boobies. Anytime a guy can get away with wanting to see naked women and not be considered a dirty heel, that's a billion dollar industry.


Michelle will be at the Rent Party tonight, so stop on by and say hi to this Talented American.


And if you're not sure if these Rent Party's are worth your time, I urge you to watch the montages of the last three events. The last one took like six hours to edit, so please, go watch it.



Ravin said...

Is it synchronicity? 2 degrees of separation or what? I don't know, but I got the idea for Baker and Huff over a mexican skillet with Jim Yeater after we did some lame comedy for Michelle and Franky at Lavander Cabaret. It seems kinda cool that you are working with them now. Wow...Michelle is cute as a bugs ear.

Adam said...

The internet has made it a very very small world. It's crazy that I didn't even know her or Franky three months ago and now my Mom's calling me to tell me when she'll be on next. God bless the blog.

Anonymous said...

i love michelle's shows. finally, "toots" and schadenfreude together at last! -adele

Jack Midnight said...

Come see Michelle tonight (7/22) at midnight at the Belmont Burlesque Revue.

Deets: The Playground Theater, 3209 N. Halsted (on the corner of Belmont and Halsted). Tickets are $10. Reservations are recommended... call 773-556-8238.

Mark Braun said...

Love Schadenfreude and was blown away by Michelle both at Belmont Burlesque and on NBC's lame-o-rama AMERICA'S GOT TALENT. Yup, cute as can be; hope she wins the big million. Now, if EVERYbody votes for her, a burlesque queen can be prime-time's next big thing, which is a lot more appealing than TiVoing past another 11 year old singer or a rapping granny.

And, for our buck, the humor at the 7-22 BBR was pretty great... :)

he who is known as sefton said...

Maybe, just maybe, you're wondering how come you're so privileged as to receive this communiqu�. Well, answer is simple, thanks to, I found the u.r.l to your website.

After perusing your website, I conjectured you'd be interested in my post titled, "sweetest nookie". In this post, you'll find some notions about how Lenny, were he around today, might comment about the recent kerfuffle in the Middle East.

Anyway, you'll find the hyperlink to the post just below
